Take what to guard the online game teenagers


Recently, the National Press and Publication Administration issued the "Notice on Further Strict Management and Practically Preventing Minors from Indulging in Online Games" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") to take more stringent measures against the problem of excessive Internet use by minors, especially It is to protect the health of minors from the technical aspect. In 24 hours, more than 800,000 Weibo topic likes have been liked, and 70,000 people have participated in topic discussions. It can be seen that the problem of Internet addiction has always been a hot spot of social concern, and many game companies have responded one after another and actively adjusted their game services in accordance with the requirements of the "Notice".

    The "Notice" also requires families, schools, and other sectors of society to take action to earnestly assume the responsibility of guardianship and form a joint effort to prevent minors from indulging in online games. While playing a "hard punch" for the country to protect the rights and interests of minors, we also need to think deeply about how to protect young online games in order to fundamentally solve the problem of addiction?

The term "addiction" is widely used in newspapers, televisions, and the Internet. On the one hand, it shows that the problem of addiction caused by the excessive use of the Internet by minors cannot be ignored. Lead to "addiction" and "addiction." In order to more accurately understand the scale of minor addiction to the Internet, the China Youth Research Center established a research group (hereinafter referred to as the research group), which conducted large-scale investigations on the issue of minor addiction in 2009 and 2019.

    So far, our country has not issued a standard for considering internet addiction. When people talk about "addiction", they often mean "above normal, not full of internet addiction." According to the "Core Information and Interpretation of Health Education for Chinese Adolescents (2018 Edition)", Internet addiction: "It refers to the out-of-control behavior of the impulse to use the Internet without the action of addictive substances. Occupational and social function impairment. To diagnose Internet addiction disorder, duration is an important criterion. Under normal circumstances, relevant behaviors last at least 12 months to be diagnosed."

It can be seen that the definition of "addiction" requires both obvious damage and the behavior to last for more than 12 months. Taking into account that the development of the Internet in recent years has made the group of minors contacting the Internet larger and the age of contacting the Internet lower, although there are worrying problems in the process of using the Internet, it has not reached the situation of obvious damage, so we are studying The standard proposed by the American psychiatrist Kimberly Young (Kimberly Young) was used. She believes that the diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling are closer to the pathological characteristics of Internet overuse. After revision, a questionnaire for the diagnosis of Internet overuse was formed. The following 8 questions are used to assess whether minors are addicted:

    (1) I often think about going online when I’m not online

    (2) I always feel satisfied that it takes more time to surf the Internet

    (3) Want to reduce the time and frequency of surfing the Internet but it is difficult to do it

    (4) If you reduce or stop surfing the Internet, you will feel that you don’t know what to do, or feel restless or even annoyed.

    (5) The first way to relax when you are in a bad mood or feel nervous and anxious is to surf the Internet

    (6) Hidden Internet time or frequent Internet access from family members

    (7) The Internet has an obvious negative impact on study or life

    (8) It often happens that I only want to go online for a while but stay online for a long time

    Among these 8 questions, at least 4 answers to "yes" in the first 5 questions and at least 1 answer to "yes" to the last 3 questions are considered obsessive.

    The research group adopted a multi-stage random sampling method. The subjects of the research were all minors from the fourth grade to the second grade of high school. The urban and rural students were divided into half, and the elementary school, junior high school and high school each accounted for 1/3. In 2009, the research group selected Beijing and Shanghai. , Guangdong, Shandong, Henan, Hunan, Liaoning, Tianjin, Shaanxi, Sichuan, a total of 90 schools in 10 provinces (municipalities), 10650 valid questionnaires; in 2019, the research team selected Beijing, Liaoning, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Henan, Anhui, Guangxi There are 96 schools in 8 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in Inner Mongolia, with 10095 valid questionnaires. Both studies screened the internet usage behavior of minors based on the above-mentioned criteria.

    The survey results of the research team found that 18.0% of minors were addicted to the Internet in 2019, which was 2.6 times that of 2009 (6.8%)! Among them, the fourth grade of primary school reached 10.3%, and by the third grade it had reached 22.9%, showing a rising trend. The study also found that the proportion of rural minors indulging in is 2.8% higher than that of urban minors. According to the "Research Report on National Minors Internet Usage in 2020" jointly released by the Ministry of Youth Rights Protection of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and China Internet Road Information Center on July 20, 2021, there are already 183 million underage Internet users in my country.

    It can be seen that with the development of the Internet and the younger age of the Internet, the scale of minors' addiction to the Internet is expanding. This is also an important reason why the country must make great efforts to catch the Internet addiction.

 "Portrait" of a teenager addicted to online games

    Through a large sample study and comparison of minors over 10 years, the research team found that minors who are addicted to the Internet have some common characteristics. These characteristics are reflected in the four aspects of individual, family, life, and psychology.

    From a personal point of view, minors with bad habits in using the Internet are more likely to indulge in the Internet. The research team found that those minors who are younger, who use the Internet for a long time, and who use the Internet frequently are more likely to be addicted to the Internet. Taking the 2019 survey of the research team as an example, minors who are addicted to online games start to surf the Internet earlier, 8.0% of them are online before the age of 6, and 5.2% of minors who use the Internet normally before the age of 6; addicted to online games The proportion of minors who surf the Internet for more than one hour each time is 48.1%, which is 24.7 percentage points higher than that of minors who normally use the Internet. Moreover, minors who are addicted to the Internet more often surf the Internet in Internet cafes. It can be seen that minors who lack good online habits since childhood are more likely to indulge in online games.

    From a family perspective, in the 2019 survey, children who are addicted to online games usually feel disrespectful, lack of freedom, and parents often nagging at a higher rate. Excessive use of the Internet is 25.9 higher than those of minors who use the Internet normally. 24.3 and 24.9 percentage points. This shows that the family life of teenagers who are addicted to online games often lacks a democratic atmosphere. Moreover, parents are also worse in setting an example. Children who are addicted feel that their parents use the Internet more frequently and the percentage of their families not communicating online is 16.9 and 31.1 percentage points higher than those of children who are not addicted. Lack of companionship is also an important factor for minors to indulge in online games. Children living in school have the highest rate of addiction (23.7%), and the proportions of living with only their fathers and mothers are also higher, 22.9% and 20.3%, respectively. The children who live with their parents have the lowest rate of addiction (16.8%). It can be seen that children are more likely to indulge in online games due to lack of affection, companionship, supervision or incomplete family structure in family life.

    From the perspective of life, the proportion of children who often feel heavy learning burdens, lack of partners in their spare time, no time to do things of interest, no one in their minds, dissatisfaction with life and study, and fewer free entertainment venues near their homes, are more addicted to online games. high. Taking the 2019 survey as an example, the proportion of children who are addicted to online games who are often alone in their spare time is 22.6%, which is 6.2% higher than that of children who use normal games; the proportion of children who are addicted to online games feels that they have no time to do things of interest is higher. 18.2% of normal Internet users. It can be seen that children with boring daily life, lack of partners, high learning pressure, and poor communication skills are more likely to indulge in online games.

    From a psychological point of view, children who are addicted to online games have a higher proportion of feeling lonely, unpopular, looked down upon, lack of performance opportunities, lack of goals, poor interpersonal relationships, and high psychological pressure in their daily lives. In the 2019 survey, the proportion of children who feel a lot of psychological pressure is 21.3% higher than those of children who are addicted to online games; the proportion of children who feel lack of performance opportunities is 19.8% difference; the proportion of children who feel confused about the future, 2. The difference is 26.0 percentage points. It can be seen that children who are growing up with psychological pressure or psychological problems are more likely to indulge in online games.

    From the above four portraits of online game teenagers, it can be seen that the problem of minors’ indulging in online games must be fundamentally resolved, and the requirements of the “Opinions” must also be followed. Level issues can better protect the healthy growth of minors. This is also a fundamental point of guarding the rational use of the internet by minors and protecting the rights and interests of minors.

Preventing indulging in online games requires "playing seven inches"

    As the saying goes, "strike a snake and hit seven inches" means to grasp the main links and key issues. The same is true for controlling online game addiction. In order for the whole society to form a joint work force, it must start with the "seven inches" and grasp the key factors that cause Internet addiction, so that it will not be "grabbing every year and running every year." The research team recommends:

    Catch the signal of indulging in online games as early as possible. The purpose of giving portraits to teenagers who are addicted to online games is to let everyone understand the characteristics of the addicted. When parents and teachers know these signals, they should pay special attention to their children in their daily lives to avoid these problems early, so as to better prevent problems before they occur, instead of thinking about what to do when they are in a state of correction.

    Build the first line of defense against addiction. Many signs of a child's addiction are closely related to the family. Parenting methods, communication, leisure life, psychological problems, parent-child relationship, etc., are all closely connected with the family. Moreover, children live longer at home and spend more time with their parents. Therefore, parents must build a firm first line of defense and lay a solid foundation for the prevention of addiction in the family. The introduction of the "strictest game ban" also helped parents solve problems such as the time and length of children playing games. Parents should establish online rules through communication and negotiation with their children when their children start to use the Internet, so that they can develop good habits for their children from using the Internet. Parents should change the world of adults for their children, and provide them with a good growth environment in terms of Internet habits, lifestyle, parent-child relationship and so on. The first line of defense is firmly established, and no matter how exciting the online world is, children will not linger forever.

    Respect the inner needs of minors. One of the highlights of the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors is that “to protect minors, we should adhere to the principle of the most beneficial to minors”, which requires respect for the dignity of minors and adapt to the laws and characteristics of the physical and mental health of minors. Listen to the opinions of minors, etc. The inner needs, growth patterns and characteristics of children who are addicted to online games are often seldom respected. For example, too much homework and extracurricular training make children lack leisure, neglected and authoritarian parenting methods make children lack of support needs, lack of exercise time and space make children lack of leisure needs, games have therefore become their support for all kinds of satisfaction. Adults should respect the inner needs of minors, so that their self-esteem needs, communication needs, leisure needs, emotional support, etc. can be met in reality.

    It is more important to tell the child what he can do. We are often used to telling minors what not to do, but we rarely tell them what we can do. Minors are curious and full of desire to explore the world. Anything new will make them want to try. The more they are not allowed to do, the more they want to try. Adults need to change their minds and tell them what they can do, and what they will gain after doing these things. In other words, we need to give specific help to minors and plan some things they can do according to their age and needs. Our research on the leisure conditions of minors found that children generally have "no time to play, no place to play, and no partners to play". However, with the full implementation of the "double reduction" policy, minors have time, and they may not be able to play again. Therefore, online games have become a "must option." If we guide children to exercise, love to work, be good at leisure, and want to read, perhaps online games are just an "optional" for them.

    (The author is the director and researcher of the Children's Research Institute of China Youth Research Center)

    Editor: We hope that this is a real round table meeting, as close as possible to rationality, as far as possible to stay away from saliva, and as constructive as possible, to talk about education issues that have been debated since the beginning of prenatal education. To this end, we have pulled out an "Education Round Table."







可見,對是否「成癮」的界定既需要有明顯的損傷,又需要該行為持續12個月以上。考慮到近幾年互聯網的發展使未成年人觸網群體更大,觸網年齡更低,雖然用網過程中存在令人擔憂的問題,但並未達到明顯損傷的情況,故在研究時我們使用了美國精神疾病學家金柏利·楊(Kimberly Young)提出的標準。她認為病態賭博的診斷標準更接近網路過度使用的病理特徵,經過修訂,形成了網路過度使用診斷問卷,通過下面8個問題來評估未成年人是否沉迷:



























